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Saturday, May 5, 2012

TVM and the Meta-Game

This is an entry dedicated to the MMORTS game called Illyriad. I played it with continuing interest for about 6 years. It is a fond memory now (though the curious can still play).

Illyriad is a marvelous, deep game that offers more than just making a bigger storehouse and trying not to get robbed or attacked. When a new player comes on the scene there are a myriad of confusing options but there are many more subtle ways to play in Illyria's sandbox than just city building.

First in my mind is the excitement and energy surrounding the political activity of Illyriad. The "meta-game" as I have heard this sort of play called is mostly unconnected to the day to day upkeep of ones own towns and offers a level of depth unsurpassed in any game I have ever played.

One of the ways players can engage with the "meta-game" is by joining an alliance. There are a lot of them, but most promise to keep the recruit safe in exchange for adhering to some restrictions with regard to their activity in Elgea. TVM is not one of those.

TVM allows its members to engage with the community however they choose. The trade off of course is that if the member gets in over their head, say by attacking a smaller player and receiving a retaliatory strike from that player's alliance, TVM may just let that member suffer the consequences of their actions. TVM has the reputation of backing up what it declares and not backing down when confronted with opposing philosophical views. Because of these policies TVM is seen as "the enemy" by a few of the "elite players" of Illyriad. This is of course unfortunate in some obvious ways but fortunate in other not so obvious ways.

Illyriad is a game and as such people want to play. Many players are satisfied with the social interaction and the slow build to nowhere. Some are not. Some players want to use their military and diplomatic forces. The occasional tournament sates most appetites for destruction but there are those who just want to play. If you are such a player, I suggest trying your hand at the "meta-game."

TVM needs bright, energetic players to make a difference.