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Sunday, December 21, 2014

TRIVIUM Hall of Heroes

This is an entry dedicated to the MMORTS game called Illyriad. I played it with continuing interest for about 6 years. It is a fond memory now (though the curious can still play).

TRIVIUM Hall of Heroes

A listing of TRIVIUM family members 
without whose contribution the historic alliance 
would not have existed as it was, or at all

NALLEEN 2012-2013

Nalleen and her alternate account, Ozyazet joined The Long Road and in a relatively short time took on the invaluable role of records keeper. She brought an enthusiasm and dimension to the role that went beyond the simple act of collecting battle reports.

With the founding of TRIVIUM, Nalleen became the first official diplomat and showed her mettle on numerous occasions. She was made TRIVIUM's first Prime Minister and later took Abraxox's place as one of the three Triumvir, co-leaders of the alliance. 

When the alliance Roman Empire [RE] came under attack by the Celtic Knights [XckX], an alliance 5 times their size, Nalleen voluntarily went over to RE to help them learn defensive tactics. 

With the start of the Darkest War, Nalleen was instrumental in maintaining morale amongst the members. Her abrupt abandonment during this dark time was a serious blow. Due in part to her absence the remaining members eventually did not have the stomach to continue with the campaign, thus ending their involvement in the war.

ABRAXOX 2011-2015

Abraxox first joined The Long Road in late 2011. He played a number of significant roles during the alliance's development, including military advisor, diplomat and trainer.

When Bonfyr Verboo was preparing to form TRIVIUM, as his trusted advisor, Abraxox played a key role in the ultimate decision to leave TLR and start anew. When he joined TVM, he was one of the 3 Triumvir, along with wonka and Bonfyr Verboo, co-leaders of the alliance

In time, Abraxox drifted away from the game and his account went dormant. 

WONKA/LEMUR3 2011-2014

Wonka first joined The Long Road just after halliver and several of his friends left the alliance to form The Liberation [HEAT]. They were threatening war and trying to recruit active alliance members. Wonka volunteered his other account to join HEAT and act as a spy to see what they were planning. It was Lemur's warning that HEAT was arming for war against The Long Road that caused Eternal Fire to act preemptively and attack first. At this point Lemur joined The Long Road.

Wonka served as military commander of The Long Road for the remainder of its existence. Eventually, when Bonfyr Verboo decided to leave to start TVM he approached Wonka/Lemur to ask if he would back his play. Wonka signed on and because of the loyalty he inspired among a significant number of TLR members, including most of the military oriented members, they agreed to follow.

Wonka joined TRIVIUM as one of the 3 Triumvir, along with Abraxox and Bonfyr Verboo, co-leaders of the alliance. He was instrumental in most of the action the alliance saw throughout its formative period during 2013. He led the members in siege action against The Return and Bitelicious during the Consone war. 

During the Darkest War, he kept the members together and focused on the goal. At the point when it seemed nothing could be done to save the alliance from total destruction, he abandoned both accounts as a gesture of sacrifice to the enemy to free up the remaining members to leave the war with no punitive requirements. Wonka/Lemur's last act saved TRIVIUM from oblivion.

FEDIGLIO 2011-2012 & 2013-

Fediglio joined The Long Road and was quickly elevated to officer, participating in several alliance missions. During the Æsir war, it was his message of defiance in the face of threats, which he shared with the alliance that finally solidified the unmistakable family atmosphere, which has kept the members joined in spirit ever since. 

He ultimately took the role of Land Commissioner in The Long Road before going inactive due to unexpected real life events. 

About a year later, he reappeared, taking his former name and re-joining his family. He migrated to TRIVIUM along with most everyone else and took part in the Consone & Darkest Wars.

In time, Fediglio struck out on his own to find his own, unique way in the game.

MYR 2010-

Myr was originally an officer in the alliance The Nightbringers [~N~], the parent alliance of The Dark Knights, which became The Long Road. She eventually rose to take the leadership role of The Nightbringers and formed The Night Confederation, into which TRIVIUM was accepted as a member shortly before it was disbanded. 

During the Æsir war, Myr took a personal stand against the aggression of Æsir by joining The Long Road at the height of tensions. Her actions not only showed the community at large that Æsir and their backers were wrong in believing that The Long Road and her members stood alone but gave the members training in defensive tactics and an invaluable self confidence. 

During this time, Bonfyr Verboo struck up a friendship with 
Myr that led to TRIVIUM joining The Night Confederation. He also sent his other account, Wilberforce into her training alliance, The Night Squires [~NS~] shortly after she founded it, to assist with training as well as act as a recruiting connection between the two alliances.

Several TVM members got their start in Myr's Night Squires. Eventually she went into semi-retirement and joined Harmless?.