This is an entry dedicated to the MMORTS game called Illyriad. I played it with continuing interest for about 6 years. It is a fond memory now (though the curious can still play).
The community of Illyriad is unique. The regard with which many established players treat new players is one of a kind. There is a relaxed "vibe" in this game and that atmosphere is quite conducive of complex interactions among interested players.
This "wargame" simulates more than just combat. The interactions of the players over all sorts of "serious" and odd issues drive what many call the meta-game. It is a treacherous and fickle environment in which political skills alone can elevate one to greater levels of power than one might otherwise achieve. Playing the politician is no easy task but anyone can learn these skills and put them to good use. I will endeavor to explain.
I am new to MMORTS' but I am not new to life and in my experience, politics are the same everywhere. Playing one side against another, or several others has gone on in human society since the beginning of time. The ability to do it well is rare and succeeding in a big way is relatively impossible but there are ways to build on little successes until there comes a tipping point, a "critical mass" if you will.
Politics boils down to an accumulation of inter-personal connections and how those connections are cared for. Those initial connections will provide a path while the decisions along the way do the steering. It's a Long Road, with many dangerous obstacles. Below I attempt to describe several basic rules to help the politically minded navigate these obstacles and perhaps reach the "End Game."
Friends In Low Places
Clearly, allies are required for politically minded individuals to succeed. Powerful allies are always beneficial but don't dismiss the less powerful among your friends. Some bit of information coming from a minor member of a training alliance could very well turn out to be the key to deciphering a sticky situation. Cultivate every line of communication you can find. No matter where it starts, it may indeed lead somewhere.
The adept politician always has something in the wings, something ready to draw attention off of himself. In a storm, a lightning rod saves the house when lightning strikes. A political lightning rod can be almost anything that distracts the focus of the masses. Once the flow of discourse is disrupted, damage control can be implemented.
No matter the circumstance, there is always a way to spin it to your advantage. Regardless of how dire a situation may seem do not give up looking for the spin. It often appears on its own and just needs a nudge to send it on its way. On some occasions, the spin is difficult to wrestle. It can get away from you if you aren't careful. To lessen the impact of these times, keep your mouth shut. The less you say yourself, the less you will have to back away from. These times are not going to be easy, patience will be required.
The Stall will work to a limited extent for all parties involved in negotiations but is most effective for the perceived winner of a conflict. Generally speaking the looser will want to settle as soon as possible to get on with rebuilding and growing. The winner, being the winner should be able to rebuild and grow while the process is ongoing.
Take A Breath
Always consider a decision in a logical frame of mind. Before sending a message to that player who just attacked you, take a breath. Emotion can blind. Take a breath and think. Do you need to use that word? Should you even mention this subject at all? How would you react to this message if you received it? Take a breath before you do anything.
Do Not Hesitate
While it seems this is a contradiction, it isn't. One must consider actions carefully. A logical frame of mind will always outperform an enraged one, however when the time comes to act, do not hesitate. Quick action wins battles. Unfortunately the time to act does not sound an alarm for you. You must remain vigilant, always. You must be aware of your environment. Doing that better than your enemy will be a decisive factor more often than not.
These are tried and true methods and practices. It is up to the reader to implement them in a realistic and beneficial way. Do remember that every situation is different but human nature is and will always remain the same. Find the key to an ego and unlock a treasure.
Good luck.