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Tuesday, August 21, 2012


This is an entry dedicated to the MMORTS game called Illyriad. I played it with continuing interest for about 6 years. It is a fond memory now (though the curious can still play).

War is Hell and your enemy is the Devil. Here are some guidelines to help beat the Devil and save the day.
  1. In war, one must always maintain control. When and where battles take place is paramount. Gauge your enemy successfully and you will be able to direct your forces to the places needed at the times required. Misjudge and die.
  2. Undoubtedly, knowing your enemy's strengths is the key to judging his ability to win the day. In a subjective, head to head comparison, the most power wins every time.
  3. Never take on more than you can handle. This lesson has been learned and forgotten countless times throughout history. Keeping this in mind will allow you to know when the time is right and when it is wrong.
  4. One enemy is almost always preferred over two. Two enemies, in most circumstances means two battle fronts. Having two directions to fight in splits forces, weakening any single effort in favor of multiple fronts.
  5. Learn everything you can about your enemy. Study his friends as well. Your enemy's friends will be your enemies too. From this knowledge comes the recognition of your enemies enemies. I do not have to tell you what they will become. Get to know these people. Learn their interests, their goals, why they are enemies of your enemy. Forging bonds with these people will ultimately lead to a stronger base from which you can eventually launch an attack. 
Remember this: Knowledge is power. Intelligence wins wars.

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