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Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Call To Legs

This is an entry dedicated to the MMORTS game called Illyriad. I played it with continuing interest for about 6 years. It is a fond memory now (though the curious can still play).

It's been over six months since I first set foot in Illyriad. Stepping from the door, my viscous outside was crusted with a shell of pliant, painful skin. I have watched and now I warn: Children of Ursor, beware the coming horde. Not the undead, though I fear their return is coming soon(tm) but the horde of, what our glorious leader has termed "Rifters."

Imagine an Ursor with untold thousands of squares of available space. Search for hours to come upon four, maybe five neighbors, one of whom you're sure you saw before. Ursor was a spotless and inviting land at first glance. Resources lying around the ground to be scooped up by anyone who wished.

No longer fellow travellers. First the Rift cracked open and then they started coming. A trickle at first, but now Ursor is well on its way to becoming a thick cluster of towns, choking themselves for resources. Witness the past dear reader: SUMMER 2011
If you will be so kind as to examine Ursor's nearly empty location on the preceding map and then of your own good time, examine the map as it is currently you will no doubt understand the alarm with which I make this plea.

Tenaril to, Exodus to and settle in Ursor with all haste. TLR has held and must maintain a firm grip on the majority of the land in the Ursor region. Surrounding regions are also in jeopardy.

There is no reason to do otherwise in this humble writer's view. Everything one would ever need would be less than an hour or so away if one were deep in the heart of alliance territory. There is need for border security though and the intrepid few willing to stand their ground versus any and all incoming against TLR are encouraged to inquire as to where they may best be placed for the protection of the TLR frontier.

A friendly reminder: any moves into alliance territory by a member of TLR should first be authorized by The Secretary of the Interior as per TLR law.

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